Measles Rubella and Oral Polio (MR - OPV) Supplemental Immunization Activity Schedule in Mambajao this coming May 2-31, 2023.
According to the Department of Health (DOH), There is no specific treatment for Measles and Polio and the only reliable protection is through vaccination . That is why the Local Government Unit of Mambajao will be having a Measles Rubella and Oral Polio (MR – OPV) Supplemental Immunization Activity this coming May 2-31, 2023 among the 15 barangays in the municipality.
The activity shall be synchronized and completed within four (4) weeks including rapid convenience monitoring (RCM), mop ups for missed children, follow ups of deferred children and for refusals.
Please refer to the photo below for schedules.

Measles or known as Tigdas is one of the most contagious disease in the world. Symptoms include high grade fever, rashes, cough, sore eyes, runny nose and can lead to complication such as pneumonia, blindness, severe diarrhea, swelling of the brain, and even death.
Polio on the other hand, is a potential by debilitating disease that cause fever, neck stiffness, muscle weakness and can eventually lead to lifelong paralysis.
We highly encourage all parents in the municipality to have their children immunized to prevent impending measles outbreak and stop the spread of polio.